Sunday, September 22, 2019

Tourism Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Tourism Planning - Essay Example The planning and management of the places where the destination of tourists will be is less common and equally valuable.   The community or destination level is where the organization and the development of the visitor’s attractions and services respectively. Many communities have shown their need to respond and act in the approach to tourism (Richards, 2000:17). They are also showing their concern over what is developed, the way promotion is done, and the impact it may have in regard to economic, social and the environmental factors.   Tourism planning is much improving and developing new and better attractions. It increased the number of visitors or seeking to boost profits. Rather, it was all trying to promote orderly development of the industry. In the destination planning, setting goals and objectives for the industry is done (Gunn, 2002:33). The Unitary Development Plan was set mainly for managing the growth and development in the borough (Sharma, 2004:54). It was ad opted in the year 2007, and a couple of policies have been saved for further three years as from August 2010. It sets out Camden’s aims and priorities for using the land in the Borough and policies to be used to achieve it through the planning decisions. This was done to fulfill the objectives and priorities contained in Camden Community Strategy and council strategies.   The plan’s aim is to achieve sustainable new development of high quality in most suitable locations. It also played the role of protecting and enhancing their built and natural environment. Their work was to be considered and allowed visit the Borough and supporting the sustainable communities. The UDP is a legal document that provided the main framework for the planning decisions made in regard to show clearly the set criteria. In the planning sector, the council had to make its decisions on planning applications in regard with the UDP (Sharma, 2004:54). This was much considered

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